Scaling the services using an auto-scaling group (ASG)
Introduction to Security Groups (SG)
Security Groups are the fundamental of networking security in AWS
They control how traffic is allowed into or out of EC2 machines
Basically they are firewalls
Security Groups Deep Dive
Security groups regulate:
Access to ports
Authorized IP ranges - IPv4 and IPv6
Control of inbound and outbound network traffic
Security groups can be attached to multiple instances
They are locked down to a region/VPC combination
They do live outside of the EC2 instances - if traffic is blocked the EC2 instance wont be able to see it
It is good to maintain one separate security group for SSH access
If the request for the application times out, it is most likely a security group issue
If for the request the response is a “connection refused” error, then it means that it is an application error and the traffic went through the security group
By default all inbound traffic is blocked and all outbound traffic is authorized
A security group can allow traffic from another security group. A security group can reference another security group, meaning that it is no need to reference the IP of the instance to which the security group is attached
Elastic IP
When an EC2 instance is stopped and restarted, it may change its public IP address
In case there is a need for a fixed IP for the instance, Elastic IP is the solution
An Elastic IP is a public IP the user owns as long as the IP is not deleted by the owner
With Elastic IP address, we can mask the failure of an instance by rapidly remapping the address to another instance
AWS provides a limited number of 5 Elastic IPs (soft limit)
Overall it is recommended to avoid using Elastic IP, because:
They often reflect pool arhcitectural decisions
Instead, us e a random public IP and register a DNS name to it
EC2 User Data
It is possible to bootstrap (run commands for setup) an EC2 instance using EC2 User data script
The user data script is only run once at the first start of the instance
EC2 user data is used to automate boot tasks such as:
Installing update
Installing software
Downloading common files from the internet
Any other start-up task
THe EC2 user data scripts run with root user privileges
EC2 Instance Launch Types
On Demand Instances: short workload, predictable pricing
Reserved: known amount of time (minimum 1 year). Types of reserved instances:
Reserved Instances: recommended long workloads
Convertible Reserved Instances: recommended for long workloads with flexible instance types
Scheduled Reserved Instances: instances reserved for a longer period used at a certain schedule
Spot Instances: for short workloads, they are cheap, but there is a risk of losing the instance while running
Dedicated Instances: no other customer will share the underlying hardware
Dedicated Hosts: book an entire physical server, can control the placement of the instance
EC2 On Demand
Pay for what we use, billing is done per second after the first minute
Hast the higher cost but it does not require upfront payment
Recommended for short-term and uninterrupted workloads, when we can’t predict how the application will behave
EC2 Reserved Instances
Up to 75% discount compared to On-demand
Pay upfront for a given time, implies long term commitment
Reserved period can be 1 or 3 years
We can reserve a specific instance type
Recommended for steady state usage applications (example: database)
Convertible Reserved Instances:
The instance type can be changed
Up to 54% discount
Scheduled Reserved Instances:
The instance can be launched within a time window
It is recommended when is required for an instance to run at certain times of the day/week/month
EC2 Spot Instances
We can get up to 90% discount compared to on-demand instances
It is recommended for workloads which are resilient to failure since the instance can be stopped by the AWS if our max price is less then the current spot price
Not recommended for critical jobs or databases
Great combination: reserved instances for baseline performance + on-demand and spot instances for peak times
EC2 Dedicated Hosts
Physical dedicated EC2 server
Provides full control of the EC2 instance placement
It provides visibility to the underlying sockets/physical cores of the hardware
It requires a 3 year period reservation
Useful for software that have complicated licensing models or for companies that have strong regulatory compliance needs
EC2 Dedicated Instances
Instances running on hardware that is dedicated to a single account
Instances may share hardware with other instances from the same account
No control over instance placement
Gives per instance billing
EC2 Spot Instances - Deep Dive
With a spot instance we can get a discount up to 90%
We define a max spot price and get the instance if the current spot price < max spot price
The hourly spot price varies based on offer and capacity
If the current spot price goes over the selected max spot price we can choose to stop or terminate the instance within the next 2 minutes
Spot Block: block a spot instance during a specified time frame (1 to 6 hours) without interruptions. In rare situations an instance may be reclaimed
Spot request - with a spot request we define:
Maximum price
Desired number of instances
Launch specifications
Request type:
One time request: as soon as the spot request is fulfilled the instances will be launched an the request will go away
Persistence request: we want the desired number of instances to be valid as long as the spot request is active. In case the spot instances are reclaimed, the spot request will try to restart the instances as soon as the price goes down
Cancel a spot instance: we can cancel spot instance requests if it is in open, active or disabled state (not failed, canceled, closed)
Canceling a spot request does not terminate the launched instances. If we want to terminate a spot instance for good, first we have to cancel the spot request and the we can terminate the associated instances, otherwise the spot request may relaunch them
Spot Fleet
Spot Fleet is a set of spot instances and optional on-demand instances
The spot fleet will try to meet the target capacity with price constraints
AWS will launch instances from a launch pool, meaning we have to define the instance type, OS, AZ for a launch pool
We can have multiple launch pools from within the best one is chosen
If a spot a fleet reaches capacity or max cost, no more new instances are launched
Strategies to allocate spot instances in a spot fleet:
lowerPrice: the instances will be launched from the pool with the lowest price
diversified: launched instances will be distributed from all the defined pools
capacityOptimized: launch with the optimal capacity based on the number of instances
EC2 Instance Types
R: applications that needs a lot of RAM - in-memory cache
C: applications that need good CPU - compute/database
M: applications that are balanced - general / web app
I: applications that need good local I/O - databases
G: applications that need GPU - video rendering / ML
T2/T3 - burstable instances
T2/T3 unlimited: unlimited burst
Bustable Instances (T2/T3)
Overall the performance of the instance is OK
When the machine needs to process something unexpected (a spike load), it can burst and CPU can be very performant
If the machine bursts, it utilizes “burst credits”
If all the credits are gone, the CPU becomes bad
If the machine stops bursting, credits are accumulated over time
Credit usage / credit balance of a burstable instance can be seen in CloudWatch
CPU credits: bigger the instance the faster credit is earned
T2/T3 Unlimited: extra money can be payed in case the burst credits are used. There wont be any performance loss
AWS comes with lots of base images
Images can be customized ar runtime with EC2 User data
In case of more granular customization AWS allows creating own images - this is called an AMI
Advantages of a custom AMI:
Pre-install packages
Faster boot time (on need for the instance to execute the scripts from the user data)
Machine configured with monitoring/enterprise software
Security concerns - control over the machines in the network
Control over maintenance
Active Directory out of the box
An AMI is built for a specific region (NOT GLOBAL!)
Public AMI
We can leverage AMIs from other people
We can also pay for other people’s AMI by the hour, basically renting the AMI form the AWS Marketplace
Warning: do not use AMI which is not trustworthy!
AMI Storage
An AMI takes space and they are stored in S3
AMIs by default are private and locker for account/region
We can make our AMIs public and share them with other people or sell them on the Marketplace
Cross Account AMI Sharing
It is possible the share AMI with another AWS account
Sharing an AMI does not affect the ownership of the AMI
If a shared AMI is copied, than the account who did the copy becomes the owner
To copy an AMI that was shared from another account, the owner of the source AMI must grant read permissions for the storage that backs the AMI, either the associated EBS snapshot or an associated S3 bucket
An encrypted AMI can not be copied. Instead, if the underlying snapshot and encryption key where shared, we can copy the snapshot while re-encrypting it with a key of our own. The copied snapshot can be registered as a new AMI
We cant copy an AMI with an associated billingProduct code that was shared with us from another account. This includes Windows AMIs and AMIs from the AWS Marketplace. To copy a shared AMI with billingProduct code, we have to launch an EC2 instance from our account using the shared AMI and then create an AMI from source
Placement Groups
Sometimes we want to control how the EC2 instances are placed in the AWS infrastructure
When we create a placement group, we can specify one of the following placement strategies:
Cluster - cluster instances into a low-latency group in a single AZ
Spread - spread instances across underlying hardware (max 7 instances per group per AZ)
Partition - spread instances across many different partitions (which rely on different sets of racks) within an AZ. Scale to 100s of EC2 instances per group (Hadoop, Cassandra, Kafka)
Placement Groups - Cluster
Pros: Great network (10Gbps bandwidth between instances)
Cons: if the rack fails, all instances fail at the time
Use cases:
Big data job that needs to complete fast
Application that needs extremely low latency and high network throughput
Placement Groups - Spread
Can span across multiple AZs
Reduces risk for simultaneous failure
EC2 instances are on different hardware
Limited to 7 instances per AZ per placement group
Use case:
Application that needs to maximize high availability
Critical applications where each instance must be isolated from failure
Placement Groups - Partitions
Up to 7 partitions per AZ
Can have hundreds of EC2 instances per AZ
The instances in a partition do not share racks with the instances from other partitions
A partition failure can effect many instances but they wont affect other partitions
Instances get access to the partition information as metadata
Use cases: HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Kafka
Elastic Network Interfaces - ENI
Logical component in a VPC that represents a virtual network card
An ENI can have the following attributes:
Primary private IPv4 address, one or more secondary IPv4 addresses
One Elastic IP (IPv4) per private IPv4
One Public IPv4
ENI instances can be created independently from an EC2 instance
We can attach them on the fly to an EC2 instances or move them from one to another (useful for failover)
ENIs are bound to a specific available zone
ENIs can have security group attached to them
EC2 instances usually have a primary ENI (eth0). In case we attach a secondary ENI, eth1 interface will be available. The primary ENI can not be detached.
EC2 Hibernate
We can stop or terminate EC2 instances:
If an instance is stopped: the data on the disk (EBS) is kept intact
If an instance is terminated: any root EBS volume will also gets destroyed
On start, the following happens in case of an EC2 instance:
Fist start: the OS boots and EC2 User data script is executed
Following starts: the OS boots
After the OS boot the applications start, cache gets warmed up, etc. which may take some time
EC2 Hibernate:
All the data from RAM is preserved on shut-down
The instance boot is faster
Under the hood: the RAM state is written to a file in the root EBS volume